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AIDAPPS Build Distributed Cloud Across the Country

페이지 정보

WriterWriter : AIDAPPS DateDate : 21-10-29 ViewView : 373



Research has shown that data usage has also soared as non-face-to-face services, online classes, and video streaming use have exploded due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Global data traffic has increased by 20-100% on average, and companies' introduction of cloud technology is rapidly spreading. It is building its own private cloud infrastructure in-house, and at the same time, it is building a hybrid environment using AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or public cloud such as Microsoft Azure.

However, if the server is physically located at a long distance, a delay time will occur when processing large amounts of data. Unlike existing centralized cloud services, AICON D-Cloud is distributed to cities and provinces in Korea and processes data based on IPFS. It is distributed in various parts of Korea and processes data close to the client, resulting in fast data processing and cost reduction.

About 1,900 units of Acorn D-Cloud are distributed and operated in each city and province in Korea, and as of October 2020, 7,800GB of memory, 975TB of storage data, networks, and CPUs are available. In November, AICON D-Cloud developer AIDAPPS released corporate D-Cloud hardware AICO-E1. It is a high-end model used not only for text but also for image and image AI deep learning. In January 2021, more than 6,000 D-cloud hardware were distributed, enabling more data processing.

Companies, governments, local governments, and platform operators can pay and use services within the AICON D-Cloud platform. It is a platform that can range from artificial intelligence development to cloud services, providing convenience for anyone to develop AI while providing high-performance functions for AI experts. It provides new business opportunities for companies and individuals who want to improve existing services by incorporating AI technology.

D-Cloud can process artificial intelligence data, so it generates machine learning codes that fit the learning data to learn artificial intelligence, and provides analysis reports through the generated artificial intelligence prediction model. In addition, AICON D-Cloud connects each region across the country to provide services by naturally bypassing certain servers even if there is an abnormality.

Article Date - January 8, 2021 


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Business NameAI DAPPS   CEOHeo Tae-In   Business Registration Number118-81-33489

Address9th Floor, Hosung Center Building, 6, Yeoui-daero 65-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea.

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